Name: Shannon “Woo Woo” Foley  Club: Independent Rider Hometown: Houston, TX
Riding Experience: Licensed in 2004 Motorcycle: 2016 Harley Davidson Road Glide Special Longest Ride: 48 States Trip

Shannon “Woo Woo” Foley, a native of Houston, Tex-as, recently completed riding to the lower 48 states. Woo Woo was licensed to ride a motorcycle in 2004, riding a Honda Shadow 750. However, she later decided on selling her motorcycle after dropping it a few times.
Seven years later, she decided that she wanted to ride again, and convinced herself that she would not allow fear to defeat her. Riding a 2016 Har-ley-Davidson Road Glide Special, she completed riding to the lower 48 states, in two separate trips. Her first trip totaled over 3,300 miles, while her second trip totaled roughly 8,000 miles. In addition to her cross-country trips, she completed her first Iron Butt Association certification, having ridden 1000 miles in less than 24 hours.
Woo Woo states that she enjoys the liberation of riding. She stressed her love for visiting places while crossing state lines and the importance of stopping to enjoy different sights. A few places that she’s visited on two wheels include Pikes Peak, Four Corners, Tail of the Dragon, various football stadiums, Opryland, and Graceland.