NAME: Rayetta “RayRay” Taylor CLUB: Black Sabbath MC HOMETOWN: San Diego, CA
RIDING EXPERIENCE: 11 years MOTORCYCLE: Kawasaki Vulcan 2000

Known to be a rider that can hold her own, Rayetta “RayRay” Taylor started off as an auxiliary member of Black Sabbath MC in 1986. After many years of supporting and hanging around the club, she decided to learn how to ride a motorcycle. In 2006, Rayetta purchased her first motorcycle, a 1980 Yamaha Midnight Special 850. Her passion for riding has earned her the respect of many, as she’s known for always being on iron. In fact, for over 7 years, her sole mode of transportation was via motorcycle. She has owned four since she started riding.

Rayetta is not known for any glorified cross-country traveling, however, respect is given for her love of motorcycling, willingness to ride in all types of weather and her ability to ride with the best of any male rider. She shared, two of her most memorable trips, one being a trip from Oakland, CA to San Diego, CA and the other, a trip to Tuscan, AZ.

The trip from Oakland to San Diego was the most exhilarating trip for her, due to her riding in the back of a pack of about 60 other members from Chosen Few MC. The rate of speed and the discipline shown by the riding formation was an amazing experience for her. She was able to maintain their speed and stay with the pack, which was impressive, to say the least. The second trip to Arizona was shared because she learned that not all trips go according to plan.

After being late for the meet up, she was determined to catch up with her motorcycle club. Needless to say, she ended up catching up with them, but only after running into a police officer on a motorcycle. If that didn’t damper her trip, the money she had stashed in her vest started blowing away in the wind. Unaware of what was going on, the trail car following the group pulled up to let her know what was happening. They stopped, however, was unable to recover the money, but the fact that her brothers and sisters stepped in and took care of her for the remainder of the trip made it one of the most memorable for her.